About Sana Pirzada
Ms. Sana Pirzada
“In a society such as Pakistan where it is difficult for women to overcome divorce or to speak about mental health issues or disclose sexual harassment at the workplace, I have enabled many women to come forward in my professional and personal capacity.
I am the Founder of VLA – Virtual Legal Advisory and Sana Pirzada Legal Solutions and have provided advice as well as litigatory services to innumerable women seeking a divorce. Most women feel uncomfortable in approaching male lawyers for fear of stigma, but approach me at ease as I also provide emotional counselling.
I’m frequently invited to a multitude of platforms within Pakistan to discuss Women Empowerment and Prevention against Workplace Harassment from NGOs to universities, to Rotary International platforms to organisations. I am becoming a beacon of hope for those women in our society who have a lot to say but cannot because of the pressures. But after listening to my talks they are plucking up bravado.
A lot of my informative videos and talks on Gender Based Violence are available on YouTube. As part of VLA I regularly invite guest speakers from around the world to discuss different aspects of laws and thus educate the masses.
I also visit NGOs and provide free legal advice to underprivileged women. In a society where patriarchy is still dominant, I have struggled immensely and yet my perseverance has helped the lives of many other women single, married or divorced.”
Barrister Sana Pirzada